Investment Case

Investment case

In the mid-early term, Goldhouse Capital invest in new finance, new retail, consumer upgrade, pan entertainment, blockchain, artificial intelligence, big data, etc. These industries gather a lot of excellent teams with endogenous growth. Especially, the team from Google, Amazon, Facebook, Huawei, Xiaomi, Tencent, Alibaba, Baidu. In addition, there are also many industry veteran corporate with us, including Include several senior executives of Tencent, Alibaba Software Vice President, Baidu Mobile Distribution General Manager, Huawei Vice President, JingDong E-Commerce Vice President, TCL Vice President, Didi Vice President, 360 Vice President, and Xunlei Technical Director, several Academicians of the academy of engineering and the academy of sciences.Now investing and participating in investments in the new economy and high technology.


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